Frequently Asked Questions


Can I return my product?

Certainly! Sometimes a product does not quite meet your expectations. Don't worry, you can return your order within 30 days. There are a few conditions:

  • The product must not have been used. View and rate it as you would in a physical store. If the product has been used, we cannot return it.
  • The product must be undamaged and returned in its original condition, including any accessories.

For smooth processing, please complete the returns form correctly. We will get started immediately and process your request within 1-3 working days!

Can I exchange my product?

Sure! You can also exchange your order within 30 days. The same conditions apply as for returns. Contact us via the contact form (link). Indicate which product you want to exchange and we will take care of the rest. In the event of any price difference, this will be refunded or you will receive a payment request via email.

How quickly do you refund a return shipment?

As soon as we have received your return shipment, we will refund the purchase amount to your account within 7 working days.

My product is broken, what should I do?

Has your product broken due to normal use within the 2-year warranty period? Please contact us via the contact form (link) and we will look for a great solution together. We try to respond within 2 hours on Mon-Fri from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.